My Hero of the Month …

I found this feel-good story written by Lee Williams in the online journal of the Institution of Mechnical Engineers.

It’s the story of Ben Ryan whose infant son Sol needed a prosthetic arm but this service was not available on the NHS until Sol was 3 years old.

Ben had worked in a neuro-psychology capacity and understood that the earlier Sol started using prosthetics the better the outcome would be.

Ben has learnt engineering skills using 3D software linked to 3D printers to manufacture well designed, low cost prosthetics and has also come up with innovative ideas on how to keep the prosthetic in place using suction generated by hydraulic movement.

The process is to scan the child’s stump and then to develop a socket on the prosthetic that fits perfectly and is retained in place by vacuum. Ben is providing worldwide assistance entirely free to young children who are missing hands and arm parts.

This is where engineers can step up and make a real difference in the world.  Ben clearly had the motivation to help his own child but what I most admire about him is his intention to provide this service to thousands of others who have no hope of helping their own children.

Epsilon have donated to Ben’s company, and we wish him great success in the future.

… click here to read the full article.

Tyneside Teaser

I was cycling in Tynemouth over Easter and couldn’t resist taking a photo of these little babies!


I was wondering what sort of machine manoeuvres these at sea. After looking on the Institution of Mechanical Engineers website here is the answer!’s-first-‘gigantic-game-changing’-wind-turbine-foundation

And if you are thinking about Britain’s energy supply post Brexit this short video by Lord Teverson may be of interest: